Geco - Emerald October 1999

Raining season in Indonesia, lightning and beautiful sunrises.  The lightning caused us some problems during some nights and we also recorded the sound of thunder here and there along the streamers.  During crew change we flew past the PGS vessel Ramform Challenger and its  impressive spread with 10 streamers and 22 paravans.

Top row is showing the preparation for helicopters during crew change day, the first helicopter is expected at 06:40 Am.  The rails on the helideck have been taken down, the weather is nice and the mob boat is ready for launch.





These pictures are showing how rough it can be back there on the tail buoys, but also how nice (too hot) it can be in the work boat when changing out a section. 

The bottom row is showing the problems we had with a new type of reel for the new lead-ins, but also showing a full supply vessel and seismic crew ready to bring their stuff on board.  At some points during the trip (last picture) there were not enough seismic crew to help out during large operations like changing lead-ins and manually reeling up the huge reels, but the maritime crew is always helpful and even our Captain, helped out.  That was really impressive!